Listen to “RAWAN HMOUD – Matrimonial Law Attorney” on Spreaker.
Attorney Rawan Hmoud of the Snyder Sarno D’Aniello Maceri & da Costa law firm, Roseland, NJ was the featured guest on the Impact Makers Radio Show, talking about the importance of discovery and financial disclosure.
With a wealth of experience in the area of Matrimonial and Family Law, Hmoud discussed how being a Family Law Attorney ignites her passion for helping people in divorce to overcome the common obstacles, misconceptions and unknown pitfalls that often hold them back from achieving their ultimate goals.
Hmoud asserts, “I zealously represent my clients while tending to their individual needs. I pride myself in providing compassionate representation to all of my clients.”
For more information about Rawan Hmoud, Attorney at Law visit:
To listen to the full episode on Impact Makers Radio, go to:
Divorcing a Narcissist Book, by Divorce Attorney Brad M. Micklin
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